The heating period is about to begin. After that the rainy season will come. In the meantime, there is a period of occasional rain and hail. It destroys the farmers’ standing and crops. Crops ready to take the farmer from the farm barrier. Those crops are destroyed in the worst weather. Considering the possibility of the worst weather in the coming time, one must focus on some important tips. By this they can save their crops.

Farmers can follow the safety card, mulch, good drainage system, weather friendly or climate smart type and crop insurance scheme to save crops on bad weather. We will tell you about these 5 tips.

1-User from security card

To avoid rain, when you use umbrellas, the safety card is used to protect the crops from the worst weather. This card is not very expensive. You can even use old clothes. With this fabric or plastic, you can protect the crop from thunderstorms, hail, frost or heavy rain. Similarly, Pali subway or plastic sheets can be used to protect from crop insects. You can use a shed net to prevent severe sun or heat.

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2-Baching app

The risk of heat will also increase. These crops are burned due to. Get ready to prevent this. For this, you need to use organic mulch. Use straw or leaves in it. The hay or leaves are placed around the plants so that the humidity cannot fly from the soil. Mulch weeds do not even grow. The mulch sheet is also available in the market, which can be saved from crops or heat.

3-water management benefit

The monsoon season begins in one and a half months. The right amount of water is cured for crops. But if the water is high, the crops are spoiled. Crops can rot due to water in the field. The roots can rot with the leaves. To avoid this, arrange the drainage in the field.

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If the crop begins to dry in the event of heat, accept the drip irrigation technology to prevent it. The drainage system is good at the time of the drainage system during the drying of water and drip water in the field. The fields can be created from the fields so that the rainwater can be deposited for the opposite time.

4-Meliamed Smart type

The era climate is in smart agriculture. Now that different types cannot be run, it is not favorable. Science is progressing in agriculture. After scientific research, many smart seeds and smart nursery have been prepared. The crop produced from the middle of this type is favorable, drought resistance, insect resistance, flood resistance and heat resistance. Such seeds are slightly expensive, but this gives you a lot of benefits. You will be guaranteed to get yield every season from these types of seeds.

5-Copper Insurance Scheme

With the above steps, you can also follow the crop insurance scheme. To save all kinds of problems and disadvantages, the government is conducting plans such as the Crop Insurance Scheme. In addition, the state governments are also conducting insurance plans. In this, the farmer has to pay the lowest money, while the governments have to pay most of the amount. The insurance scheme provides compensation for damage in the event of crop waste. In this, the farmer must claim the insurance companies after examining compensation.

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