Francisco I. Madoro saw the odd duck by many in Mexico. The owner of a well-known spiritualist who has spoken publicly about the experiences of ghosts during the Chinese, including President Benito Jurez. In 1910, Porpirio Theiaz, who ruled Mexico for 40 years through the Sham elections, declared his desire to leave power, and became the candidate for the Medarro president’s anti -resignation party. Fearing that Madoro could win his elected candidate, Thiyas imprisoned him and ignited the Mexican Revolution.

Dias’s rule fell in May 1911, and elections were summoned to October. Mattero won by hand, and he brought a group of believers with him.

Reformed Revolutionary Revolutionary Francisco I. Madero. (L Historia)

Surprisingly, except for his wife Sarah Perez and his brother Gustavo, Madoro considered the two Germany to be trusted. Still surprised, both are spies.

German agents

The two Germans of Madoro are Arnold Groom-Heller and Felix Somberfeld. Like Madoro, men are spiritualists. The most respected Gram-Heller left Germany in 1876 to Mexico, but returned to Europe in 1907 to study medicine. In 1910, he returned to Mexico and became Matoro’s personal doctor.

Born in Germany in 1879, he had already had an enthusiastic life at the time he reached Mexico: he joined the US military, he was left without a leave of the Spanish-American war and fought against boxing insurgents in China. He first met Mattero in Sivaya while working as an Informed Intelligence Service of the German Navy, under the reporter of the Associated Press. His cover was allowed to send regular intelligence reports to Germany without doubt. While in Sivaya, he learned of the revolutionary actions of Madeero, who was in contact with the anti -reusable man.

Arnold Gram-Heller
Arnold Groom-Heller, Somefeld’s fellow German and spiritualist. (Magnum Opus Etterum)

Somberfeld and Madeero

Madoro and Somberfeld developed a close relationship, and Sommerfeld was seen as his close faith. Madero’s brother and trusted advisor, Gustavo Mexican, was appointed Somberfeld Chairman of the Secret Service. Groom-Helller joined him in secret service. In that role, Sommerfeld was always on the side of Madeero, his sharp eagle eyes looking for the signs of the problem. He was still a German spy, and from this new position he began to create a spy network in the United States with Mexican Americans, Mexican foreigners and other German spies.

When Madero won the presidency in 1911, Sommerfeld accompanied him to Mexico. Apart from the photos, the only view of their relationship, Somerfeld’s origin in the 1912 US Senate, where he testified, where President Madoro testified that “President Madoro is the best friend in this world.” When asked in detail, he replied, “We have become very close friends.” Both men had many common characteristics. Both are not only spiritualists, but the man does not drink, gambling or smoking.

While serving Madoro, Somberfeld was friendly with a valuable connection in the United States, Washington, TC lawyer and propagandist Sherburn G. Hopkins. Hopkins’ customers include rich and most influential businessmen and oil principals in the United States, and he was introduced by Madeero’s brother Gustavo. Any businessman became Somberfeld as Hopkin’s listener who tries to access Mathro.

Felix Sommerfeld and Gustavo I. Madeero
Sommerfeld (left) and President Mathroro were portrayed together. (Alkertron)

Ten sad days

Mathro’s government was weak and failed to implement the land reform, faced by poor farmers. Disgruntled Conservative Generals, dissatisfied with his leadership, threw Madoro. In February 1913, they introduced a conspiracy called ten sad days. Mattero was assassinated, General Victoriano Hurda captured the presidency.

Madeero’s doctor, Arnold Gram-Heller, was arrested by Hurda, but was released by the intervention of the German government.

Under the protection of the German ambassador, Somerfeld fled to the Washington DC, where he gathered to overthrow President Hurda and joined the rebel movement. Venastiano Corpsa, the governor of Kohuila, formed the Constitutional Army against Hurda. Carrunza El Faso and San Antonio sent Somberfeld to obtain weapons for the revolutionaries, which made Germany a connection between the US government and Garnsa.

Sommerfeld turns out to be precious

Felix Sommerfeld and Panjo Villa
In 1914 Sommerfeld and Panjo Villa. (Filitz)

Hurda was defeated in July 1914, and the revolutionary sections united at the Akuskaliands Conference to write a new national constitution. Unable to do so, the revolutionaries divided between Garnsa’s moderate politicians and the radical regularists led by Panjo Villa and Emiliano Jabata. The new bloody phase of the revolution began.

That year, Somerfeld Panjo started working with the Villa, buying US weapons for the villa’s troops, and American officials knew about him: when Ambrose Pierce, the key journalist in the villain’s army, was mysterious, US military leader Sommerfeld contacted Somerfeld to investigate the matter.

In 1914, German Naval Officer Karl Bai-Ed helped Germany to formulate its war strategy to the United States as a naval connection in Sombled New York. While working with him, Sommerfeld told Germany that he could provoke a war between the United States and Mexico. Next year, Sombled reunited with the villain’s efforts, with about US $ 7 million in today’s value – for Willsta Troops.

In March 1916, Villa and a small group of his men used the weapons to attack the city of Columbus, New Mexico, and General John J. Pershing prompted the United States to send. Somerfeld became the main suspect in planning the attack, but his involvement was never proven.

American officials left Somerfeld alone because he was helping them, but in a nutshell, in 1918, he was trained as an enemy alien at Ford Oklethorb, Georgia.

It was known to have returned to Mexico in the 1920s and 1930s, but there were no detailed accounts on what he did when he was in the country. Until 1942, he signed a draft registration card to list an address in New York City and 63 at his age. Then he had no trace.

The mysterious and disadvantaged Felix played an important role in the Mexican Revolution. No other foreigners accumulated the power as much as he did. As the head of Mexican security, he created an enormous spy network, using the network to collect intelligence to Germany, but to threaten and destroy the enemies of Madero. The connections and actions of Somatin are complex. Did he act as a spy for both Germany and Mexico? Did he spy on the United States? Double agent? A three agent? Nobody knows the whole story of Felix Somateld – his personal life and motivation are a mystery.

Sheryl Loser He is a former Public Relations Administrator, Researcher, Writer and Teacher. He writes professionally for 35 years. He goes to Masadlan in 2021 and does a part -time freeness. Can access her Writer And at that Mexico: The richest tape of history and culture.

(Tagstotranslate) Felix sommerfeld

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