Mexican is the most important part of the cuisine, but in this modern day and age, they have forgotten them world (and Mexico).
I asked Chaddjd about the flavor of Mexico, and replied with the explanation that any Mexican beer brand wanted its business. It talked about celebration, vibrant colors and the taste of rich traditions. When I tried to get it to describe the flavor of various Mexican materials, it said, “Mexico has the taste, hunger and memory of the street.” What does that mean?
How does Mexican food really taste?
In many ways, the essence of Mexican cuisine is characterized by a new, herbal flavor. For example, the corn has a subtle lawn taste, Once some silis heat is low, a herb leaves the back flavor.
Contacts with new herbs can be found in pre -Hispanic cultures, where wild herbs that have grown with crops in the fields have equal importance to fruits. Wild herbs that can be eaten, are called Quelites Or Quilitl In Nahuwad, associated with deities, rituals and ceremonies. In some cultures, they are very valuable, and they can serve as a main food, corn or beans, a raw material or even part of medical treatment in ritual recipes. In the end, these herbs were incorporated into everyday life.
However, with the victory of the Spanish, the consumption of European grains and vegetables was promoted, which led to a decline in the use of Qualians. To advance today, many of these wild herbs are at risk of extinction, especially in the urban areas, our foods are often forgotten. It is unfortunate, a few decades ago, our culinary traditions and tastes played an important role.
So what is Qualians?
To date, more than 500 species Quelites Has been identified. These herbs are very important to Mexica, and they have a dedicated deity dedicated in the name of Quilastley, and he is associated with fertility.
Quelites Played a major role in Milpa Planting beans, corn, squash and silisis together the harvesting system. Not only do they protect the crops, but some species also act as natural pesticides.
As for the nutritional value, the qualiers are notable in the steroids, which are rich in spinach. Of course Quelites A significant amount of protein, calcium, antioxidants and anti -inflammatory compounds, which require regular consumption.

Ebosode is essential when eating beans, because it has a substance that helps digestion. In addition to its digestive benefits, episode has antibacterial, antigens and anti -inflammatory properties; It is the best source of vitamin A, calcium and magnesium. However, like everything, excessive consumption can have adverse health effects.
So, how much? It is recommended to consume more than five leaves. In general, Ebosode is cooked for a long time to increase its benefits.
You may think that Ebazod is a type of Mexican Bay Leaf. It is a serious, smell, fresh and spicy taste, so it is important not to use it too much. It can enjoy fresh, cooked or dried, and its taste changes depending on how it is made – but it is always delicious.
In Quinton’s

Not only KUinton Name of a two-mickelin-Star restaurant in Mexico CityBut this is a green and purple leaf herb, which is a distant relative of Amaran. This herbal Hispanic cultures have significant value because it is associated with life and death. In Quinton’sTit Most respected because an Aztek warrior was believed that only the warrior could survive Quintonils. Thanks to modern science, I thought it was a total exaggeration, which we know now that they are rich in protein, calcium and vitamin C, which contains three times more iron than the spinach.
You can enjoy Quintonils In a variety of foods: If you are soft, you can even eat them on top of salads, crispy and strong delicious tacos. Make sure to wash them well and remove the stem. Their taste reminds you of other leafy greens, such as spinach, arutula or water, but with the touch of the sweetness that excludes this herb.

In Nahuwat, Pope This butterfly -shaped herb means “butterfly”. It QueliteRelated to fertility and the goddess of the Socirates, and it was traditionally used to bless the crops. Pope It provides new and a layer of taste experience: it begins with a firm, citrus -like acid, which follows the bitterness that reminiscents the archela, and ends with a pepper kick. This herb is a valuable addition to your diet because it is antioxidants, iron, zinc and vitamin C.
Pope Pubela is particularly popular in the state. If you ever tasted a Boblana semita Or tacos from this regionYou may have already experienced its unique flavor. This is very happy when you finally add the chopper to the qualumol.
Amigos, there are no excuses – make sure you enjoy your Mexican greens. They will be healthy, strong, and happy with the vibrant eruption of the flavor.
These flavors refer to the essence of the Mexican cuisine, with other measurements we are exploring in future articles. After this article has been published, I hope that Saadgift can provide a better answer.
Maria melandez A Mexico City Food blogger and influencer.
(Tagstotranslate) Mexican Food (T) Mexican Herbs (T) Mexican Ingredients (T) Quelites (T) Taste of Mexico
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