Reports of the Press Press Office on the Pope’s status, which notes the referral described at its residence. Pope Francis continues with drug and physical therapy of the respiratory and motor system. Currently, you do not receive visits and decisions about their agenda for the coming weeks that have not yet been taken.

Salvator Cinosio – Vatican City

The Pope’s recovery – which can last “two months” should continue, according to doctors, Sergio Alviri and Luigi Carbon at the conference in Jimili last Saturday, March 22 – continues between drug therapy, the kinetic nature and the respiratory system (the last to restore his voice), and the moments of the personal prayer and the mass he delivered in the device.

At a press conference with accredited journalists, the Press Office of the Holy See presented updates and details about the health of the Pope, which was unloaded last Sunday 23 after 38 days in the hospital in Gemelli Polyclinic due to bilateral pneumonia. Francisco, after looking at a small balcony of the health center to salute three thousand people who gathered in the field and stopped short in Santa Maria La, he returned home in the Vatican and started the period of recovery and rest.

Treatments, physical therapy, oxygen

“It meets the recovery of the conditions that doctors described on Saturday,” explained the press office of the Holy See. Alfieri and Carbone (the team manager who followed the Pope during his stay and PhD in the Holy Father, respectively) indicated that Francisco should continue in drug therapy “for a long time, coal”, motor physical therapy and the complete respiratory system (which he was wearing during his stay at Gemelli).

After that, he asked to suspend both individual meetings and the group temporarily, as well as the availability of attention 24 hours a day to meet the “needs”, starting with the supply of oxygen, and interfering in the event of urgency. This service is guaranteed by the Vatican Health and Health Directorate.

A medical team is always present with the Pope. The oxygen management continues the same way that was announced in the last days of the hospital: Therefore, at night, oxygen is used to high flows with the nasal channel, which continues during the day, but with a gradual decrease.

The masses and the work

As he already did in Gemelli, when he made the Mass in the Church of the Tenth floor, in Santa Marta, the bishop of Rome also went to the small church on the second floor to the diamond of prostitution. today The Press Office of the Holy See. He announced the appointments of Nonicalo Apostolic in Belarus, Monsignor IGNAZIO CEFALIA and Grievance Secretary in Roman Rota Court, and Monsignor Francesco IBBA.

There are still any accurate indicators about the next few days program, much less than the future, with the various jubilee celebrations and the rituals of the Holy Week. It is expected that it will naturally reside the recovery and clinical improvements, as doctors said. The press office says: “Some issues are in the process of decision, which will be evaluated based on the improvements that will be next week,” the press office says.

The public audience will be published for the audience’s cattle

Certainly tomorrow, Wednesday, March 26, the general audience and the amended text of the Catick will not be published in writing, as happened last Wednesday since February 14. At the present time, it is possible to anticipate similar methods for those on Sunday days, and from here the distribution of the text through the press office of the Holy See. At the present time, Pope Francis does not receive visits, and in these two days he saw only his closest collaborators. As for the planned visits of the heads of state and the government, there are no expectations.

Words of Dr. Alfiri

From what is known, Francisco is happy to return home. Alfieri and Carbone have already said, which also confirms the “good humor” that the ink regained once it checks its true improvement. Certainly, the most dangerous stage in the disease has passed and the most important infection that has been overcome, as mentioned in the previous press conference on Saturday. On that occasion, Al -Frairi stressed that there are decisive moments in which the life of the Pope was in danger.

Even today, in an interview with the Italian newspaper “El Correier Dela Serra”The specialist argues that the worst moment occurred on February 28, when Francisco worsened due to the cramping crisis.

“For the first time I saw tears in the eyes of some people around them. During this hospitalization period, they believed, like the father.

“We had to choose between stopping, allowing, forcing, and trying with all possible medicines and treatments, and playing the very great danger to inflict other damage. In the end we take this path,” Al -Furiri explains in the interview, stressing that the decision was from the Pope. As in many other occasions: “Since the first day, he asked us to tell him the truth and wanted us to tell him the truth about his condition.” Even in communication, the doctor says: “We send the medical part to the trustees and add the rest of the information that the Pope agreed to at a later time, has never changed or nothing has been deleted. Now he has people from his family members, they are always with him.”

(Tagstotranslate) Baba Francis

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