It refers to the specific contact of the body with blood sugar. This balance is soft and is affected by various factors, from food and exercise to the first stress and other medical conditions.

Did you surprise what the values ​​are considered normal? Continue reading to learn more about Glucose in patients with diabetes.

First Step: Understand the relationship of glucose and diabetes

First, it must be clear that the human body, to act properly, needs energy. This energy is mainly from the diet, which is converted into glucose and then distributed through the blood throughout the body.

In a person who does not have diabetes, the pancreas produces a hormone called insulin, which helps the body cells use this monosaccharide. However, in those who live with this disease, there is a different connection between insulin and glucose.

Now, what happens in the case of diabetes? To understand that, it is important to recognize the variety of this position and how they affect the amount of sugar:

  • Type 1 Diabetes:

It is an autoimmune system, ie, the immune system that is the error of the pancreatic cells that produce insulin. As a result, the body stops the creation of this essential hormone to control blood glucose.

People with Type 1 need a daily insulin injection or insulin pump to maintain their uniform sugar levels so that they can live a full healthy life.

  • Type 2 Diabetes:

This variation is very common and usually occurs in adults, although it appears in young people. In these cases, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or, what is often, and the body creates resistance.

This means that the insulin that occurs in the cells does not respond correctly. Although in some cases may require external insulin, it is often handled with changes in food, exercise and oral medications.

Excessive amount of blood glucose leads to both types of diabetes if it is not properly controlled.

Source: Pixabe

What is normal glucose in diabetic patients?

This is one of the most frequent questions. The best levels of glucose vary according to each person and their specific position. However, this is generally considered:

  • A fast (not eating in the last 8 hours): It should be 70 to 130 mg/DL.
  • After eating: 180 mg/tl.

These limits must be consulted and customized with the doctor who varies and treats. It is important to remember that only a specialist can determine the optimal level of glucose in patients with diabetes for each particular case.

The importance of monitoring and control

Sustainable monitoring is the main tool for residents with diabetes. Learn how glucose in the body allows the results of food and physical activity, and if the expert assumes it, drugs.

Some tips for adequate monitoring:

1. Consult the doctor

In this we are not alone. Although the adaptation of daily monitoring and habits depends on every person, it is always very important to get the support of a specialist.

The doctor, with his experience and knowledge, will give you specific advice, solve your doubts, and guide you if you look at the common things. In addition, this will help you understand your position and how to change it better.

2. Install a custom

Creating a custom is the first step to manage glucose in the body. When installing the standard moments of the day to measure the positions, it is easy to detect fluctuations. In turn, it allows you to identify some functions or any moments of the day for food, so that you change your day to day to maintain balance.

3. Record the results

Memory is brittle and, if many daily activities are given, it is easy to forget the value from time to time. Therefore, it is imperative to keep the daily record, on a notebook, a special application, or even on your cell phone.

This record allows you to look at trends over time. In addition, it provides the opportunity to relate to specific events such as spikes or low glucose with specific events such as a special diet or high physical activity.

Source: Pixabe
Source: Pixabe

Living with diabetes means constantly understanding and monitoring sugar levels in the body. Get to know what The amount of diabetic glucose It is necessary to live a healthy and full life. Always remember that when you face any questions or concern, your doctor is your best friendly country.

Post Diabetic glucose levels: Which is considered normal? Originally appeared Message.

. Portilla

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