In two African countries, Maria is working for the autonomy of deaf children in schools established by children of immortality and is excluded from social and economic life. Italy’s highest father Dallera: All students and even healthy are related by sign language. There is no discrimination, there is a beautiful coordination, but we must acknowledge that it is difficult to eradicate stigma.

Enrico Casale – Vatican City

Silence cannot be a barrier. There should be no obstacle to deaf children from social and economic life. The principle of encouraging the safa school in Burkina Paso and the Asmara in the Eritrea established by the Bhavanian religion. But this is something else: behind it is to improve the skills of these young people and give the opportunity to redeem. Dario Dalrera of Maria’s children, Dario Dalrera, explains, “Our founder San Ludovico Bawoni explains:” We offer young people, we are providing young people. Life is ready for a good work with him. It is already a widely experienced model in Italy and Europe. Work was to be wasted in the workshop, which was a great adoption of work and professional training.

Burkina Paso, Integration

In Italy, with the 70s school reform, this kind of crisis entered. • In Africa, this is still valid. In Burkina Faso we offer courses of agricultural and mechanical techniques, especially Welding ». There is something else in this school: both deaf and healthy children study. “Students are thanks to the sign language, this is everyone,” Dallera explains: “There is no discrimination in school, but rather, a beautiful coordination is created. We are working for deafness in the community.

Plan in erythrria

A similar project is also carried out in Eritrea. There have been the Bawanis in the small country of Horn in Africa since 1969, and when the freedom war was waged, the Ethiopian federal government faced Erythr. The religious Bonnis started aid programs for orphans and guaranteed them clothes, food and medical care. Later, in the 80s, the first distance adoption programs were developed to support families who welcomed these children without parents. In the 90s – 90s – Laura Rice says, about the Missionus Africa Group, a volunteer organization for supporting the Bhavonian religion – Azmara’s Bawoni Technology School and the Agrotechnical School of Hus, with the brothers of Christian schools (Lazalius). They provided high quality mechanical and agricultural technology training, which ensured the opportunity to go to the university after graduation. The two companies were later embraced by Asmara officials in the structure of the Nationalization of Social and Health Services led by religious councils. Despite this, the Bonnians did not stop their actions. Azmara’s Bawoni Community Center is serious. At the center, rice reports to us, «Deaf and Healthy Children are welcome. They are provided with basic courses of computer science, binding, cutting and clothing. Classes are taught in sign language. These are the only opportunities to follow deaf education in capital Eritrea.

The formation of the parent

Over time, the children joined their families. “Fathers and mothers have realized the need to learn the language of symptoms,” the director continues. “In this way they are training to improve communications with their children.” It must be said that the study courses have been completed with entertainment activities: this center is a kind of discourse, where children also learn human and religious values ​​». This human creation is an integral part of the functions of the Pawanians since its founder of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. “Our schools have always provided high -level training,” Father Dario concludes. «We have always wanted to become art teachers of our boys, to be careful with a well -prepared work, with high -level creativity. That is why we are always trying to instigate imagination and the desire to create something new. However, all of this has never been separated from personal training. Our teachers have worked daily to become the best technicians of children, but citizens of responsible and respected citizens and values.


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