March 9, 2025, Draw of No. 4028 Related to melate It offers three chances to win, Sunday night it is over, here you can know the results Mellet, Mellet Revenja and Revenjida.

Mellet Results: 06, 21, 30, 39, 43, 51 extra 17

Results Mellet Revenja: 02, 11, 26, 36, 39, 56

Ranchita Results; 08, 20, 28, 33, 43, 47

Where can I play with melet?

Of the more than 9 thousand agencies you can find on the street, from shops to business chains across the Mexican Republic.

You can play Mellet to buy your ticket online from the official forecast page. The way to do it is to register with a user and password and register the credit or debit card visa or master card data.

How does melate play?

The Mellet Draw is one of the classic tracks of Mexico. Wednesday, Friday and Sundays will be held at 9:15 pm. The economic stock market was announced a few days ago.

The money varies from Raffle to the first, and if none of the winners accumulate, that is why it increases as long as there is a lucky.

The seven numbers are made of the Mellet Draw by a Urn with selected. The first six are known as natural and seventh additives. To receive an award, it is important to comply with at least two natural numbers with your ticket. More success numbers are in your form, you get more gift from the bag.

The way to participate is to fill in a melate ballot with five categories with 56 numbers each. The player must choose six numbers per section. Each user has their way to make tradition, the number of luck and more. There is also the opportunity to leave everything in the hands of the system, and he will choose numbers.

Each combination of six numbers has the price of 15 pesos, but it is possible to buy up to 10 numbers up to 210 combinations, although it will be an additional cost.

When buying seven numbers, you have to pay 105 pesos to be seven combinations. If you buy eight numbers, it is 420 pesos with 28 combinations. Nine numbers offer you 84 combinations and 1,260 pesos. 10 numbers allow 210 additives to 3,150 pesos.

The exam is provided to the sales agent, and he creates a unique ticket. It is important to keep it because it is your voucher to request the award.

How do you play Mellet Revenja?

This is the second raffle done after the mattress and you can pay 10 extra pesos for your ticket. This means that the combination of your same six numbers will work for the second draw for the total cost of 25 pesos.

How do you play Mellet Ranjida?

It is the third raffle, which takes place on the same day as the melate and refuse melet. You can play with the same combination by adding five pesos for the 25 to the 25 already paid for the Mellet and Mellet Revanga.

Where do I charge the Mellet Award?

If your prize is up to 9,999 pesos, you can do this in any national lottery agency agency-sortios. Can charge 3 thousand pesos in bank branches BPVA, Panamex, Panorte, Santander or Scottiabank.

Another option is that at the central offices located on AV, Mukkkok at the Benito Jures Mayor’s Office from 08:30:30 pm to 14 pm. There you can charge any amount.

From the level of the prize, do not forget that the tax will be waived, so the initial amount will be reduced at the time of collecting.

You have only 60 calendar days to collect your gift.

In all cases you need to provide the original ticket and official identity to make the collection valid.

(Tagstotranslate) melate

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